
P&K Participates in Governor's SeptemberFest

posted on Monday, September 21, 2015 in Community Stories & Events

Autumn… it’s the most wonderful time of year, right??  We love it, because it means SeptemberFest with the Governor!  Each year, P&K participates in the fun-filled, FREE family festival (say that ten times fast)… and every year it gets better and better.  It’s a chance to see all the fun and exciting things that Oklahoma has to offer AND a chance to learn about the history and culture of our great state. 

For the 2015 festivities at the Oklahoma History Center, P&K’s booth included a John Deere tractor and a round baler… and with the State Capitol in the background, it was our favorite spot for photo opportunities (we might have been a little partial).  We even had a couple of special guests stop by our booth to check things out.  Governor Mary Fallin and First Gentleman, Wade Christensen, chatted with P&K General Manager, Scott Eisenhauer, about tractors, harvest, and the equipment business. 

We want to say a special thank you to the Governor for having us out there this year... we had a great time and we're looking forward to 2016!

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