
OKC Procure Proton Therapy Center Visit to P&K

posted on Monday, September 21, 2015 in Community Stories & Events

Throughout the year, P&K is fortunate enough to have some great visitors step through our doors.  Whether it’s because people love tractors, combines, and all matters of equipment, or because their families have collected the beloved green equipment for generations, everyone has a story about John Deere.  And hearing these experiences is one of the coolest parts of our jobs at P&K… because we’re all a little partial to the green and yellow. 

Occasionally, we get some visitors who hold a super special place in our hearts… one such visit happened recently at our Edmond store.  A group of patients from the Procure Proton Therapy Center in Oklahoma City (and their families) came out for an afternoon of tractor rides.  These kiddos were from all around the world and they were at Procure to receive state-of-the-art cancer treatment.  And in between their appointments and doctor visits, P&K was proud to provide them with a little fun in their day! 

We owe a HUGE thank you to the Procure Proton Therapy Center in Oklahoma City for bringing so much fun to our P&K Edmond location for the afternoon.  We hope everyone else had as much fun as we did... we’re already looking forward to the next visit!

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