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Turfco Equipment Models

Celebrating OVER 100 years of building INNOVATIVE equipment.

We recognize the privilege of being part of an industry where we all love what we do. From our grandfather who led the way, to our father's spirit of invention, we pledge to continue the tradition of bringing innovations that make a difference. Together, we look forward to the next century.

Learn more about Turfco

Built to last

We stand behind our MACHINES

Built to withstand the tough demands of day-to-day operations. That’s why we offer an unprecedented warranty against defects. You won’t find a better warranty from any other topdresser or material handling company in the industry. Period. 

LANdSCAPING SERvice & Support

Golf and Sports Turf Dealers

Looking to the past
Looking to the past

A long history of innovation

Since we began, family-run Turfco Manufacturing Co. has worked closely with golf course superintendents, landscaping professionals and sports turf experts to engineer equipment that meets their needs. As best practices have changed, so has our product line. Our machines are designed to help you achieve your goals.

Company History


"With the WideSpin 1550, we took our regular topdressing program from 24 man hours down to 3 man hours!"

Kurtis Wolford
Golf Course Superintendent, Woodbridge Golf & Country Club

"I have many seeders, but really like the TriWave 45 for its versatility and ability to get into the tight spots that need details. Love the control over seed planting depth for more seed-to-soil contact."

Kurtis Wolford
Golf Course Superintendent, Woodbridge Golf & Country Club

"I have several reasons for always choosing Turfco products wherever I've been. They last forever!"

Kurtis Wolford
Golf Course Superintendent, Woodbridge Golf & Country Club
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