The Next Generation of Rotary Mowing!​

Introducing the ALL NEW XR SERIES ARTICULATING FLEX-DECK PULL BEHIND MOWERS in both a Hybrid/Castor wheel design, and complete Roller deck designed units.

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Lastec Mower Videos

Home of the PGA TOUR Event - A Military Tribute at The Greenbrier , The Greenbrier® Golf Course counts on Lastec Golf Course Mowers for maintaining more than 200 acres of rough and surrounds between three golf courses and their historic hotel resort.

Original 721 Lastec Articulator
 See what our customers have to say about Lastec Mowers
Scott Bjortmont
The ability and willingness that Lastec has to listen to their customers and make changes happen when needed is a quality I love about working with Lastec.

Scott Bjortomt

Equipment Manager

Crooked Stick Golf Course

The articulation and flexing decks of the XR700 are important for our golf course with all the rolling hills, mounds, and slopes. It is important that we don’t get the scalping that you get with other mowers.

Nate Bryant


Old White TPC at the Greenbrier

It's in their motto, folks....'Perfect the Art of Mowing.' Lastec is the best. Quit working with inferior equipment! Make the switch today.

Jacob O'Neal


Depauw University

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