Less Downtime, Less Maintenance
DAKOTA Turf Tenders are the most versatile, cost-effective, and accurate material handlers and spreaders on the market. These durable units allow you to cover large areas while maintaining an extremely light footprint so as not to disrupt turf, and are ideal for topdressing sports fields, fairways, and greens. Designed to save time, eliminate waste, and reduce operating costs, Turf Tenders can also top-dress, fertilize, repair divots, load small top-dressers, fill bunkers, and move a wide variety of materials from the seat of the tractor, without having to replace attachment options.DAKOTA Controls
DAKOTA Controls offer reference screens for unit settings and adjustments to make your job easier, with four memory presets, a 4.3-inch LCD display, and features including variable belt and spinner speeds and engine start/stop and throttle control.
Equipment for every topdressing project
440 Turf Tender
Make your turf topdressing job easier with the highest quality speed dresser on the market – the DAKOTA Turf Tender 440. Complete with a 4.2-yard capacity and an A-frame hitch design, this material spreader has the largest capacity with the best handling and the lowest PSI in the industry. In addition, the Turf Tenders feature durable DAKOTA turf tires that provide excellent traction with minimal turf wear.