
New TC125 Turf Collection System

Aerators & Debris Maintenance
TC125 Turf Collection System
Key Features
  • Ideal for collecting cores, leaves, clippings, thatch & other types of debris
  • Cleans average green in 15 minutes
  • Hydraulically driven brush system

More Info


Summary of features
Roller adjustment gauge and brush motor Roller adjustment gauge and brush motor

The TC125 has a dumping height of 49 in. (124.5 cm) and is equipped with a hydraulic lift cylinder allowing debris to be easily emptied into the cargo box of a heavy-duty utility vehicle.

The hydraulically driven brush system is simple to operate and maintain, and it eliminates the need for an additional power source. A full-width roller can be adjusted to accommodate a variety of turf conditions and brush wear.

For consistent travel speed and pickup performance, the TCB10015 speed control kit is available as an attachment for field conversion for use on the 4000 Series Compact Utility Tractors. The BM19955 throttle/governor control kit is available for ProGator™ Heavy-Duty Utility Vehicles.

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