
New AE11 Series Free-Stall Scrapers

Stall Scrapers
AE11 Series Free-Stall Scrapers
Key Features
  • Rubber edge is reversible and replaceable
  • Optional bolt-on back drag for tight areas
  • Attachment carrier removes quickly and easily
  • See brochure for loader series compatibility
John Deere Tips Notebook

More Info


Attachment carrier allows quick and easy removal and mounting without tools
AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper

The attachment carrier on the AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper is designed to allow fast, easy removal and mounting of attachments without tools.

Rubber edge is reversible and replaceable
AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper rubber edge AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper rubber edge

The AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper has a reversible and replaceable rubber edge for extended life and easy replacement.

Optional bolt-on back drag for tight areas
AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper back drag AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper back drag

With the optional bolt-on back drag for the Frontier AE11E Series Free-Stall Scraper, getting into tight areas is a snap. The back drag helps get to those hard-to-reach areas for a thorough cleaning.

Back drag attachments for AE11E Series Free-Stall Scrapers
Bolt-on back drag is perfect for tight areas Bolt-on back drag is perfect for tight areas

The bolt-on back drag attachment allows operators to rotate the AE11 Series Free-Stall Scraper forward and move material away from a wall, obstacle, or other hard-to-reach areas.


The pullback assembly does not need to be removed to obtain maximum production of the free-stall scraper.


The field-installed bolt-on back drag attachments come in a variety of sizes for the free-stall scrapers.

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