
New RR23 Series Rotary Rakes

Rotary Rakes
RR23 Series Rotary Rakes
Key Features
  • Cam-action tine arms
  • Rugged 13-arm rotor with adjustable cam
  • Adjustable swath curtain
  • Rake adjustments are easy
John Deere Tips Notebook

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Cam-action tine arms
Cam-action tine arms for efficient drying time Cam-action tine arms for efficient drying time

The cam-action tine arms on the RR23 Series Rotary Rakes gently deposit the material in the windrow, saving valuable leaves.


Furthermore, the cam action forms a higher, fluffier, faster-drying windrow that saves drying time.


The tine arms are removable to allow for narrow transport widths and more compact storage.

Rake adjustments are easy
Hydraulics allow adjustments from tractor seat Hydraulics allow adjustments from tractor seat
Adjust pitch of rake tines with hand crank Adjust pitch of rake tines with hand crank

Hydraulically raise and lower the RR23 Series Rotary Rake without leaving the tractor seat.


Easily adjust the pitch of the rake tines with the hand crank. 

Rugged 13-arm rotor with adjustable cam
Adjustments are easy Adjustments are easy

The RR23 Series Rotary Rakes have rugged 13-arm rotors featuring an adjustable cam.


This allows the operator to change the aggressiveness of the tines to the crop conditions – more aggressive for wet crops and less aggressive for delicate crops like alfalfa.

Tandem flotation tires, dual gauge wheels, and tandem walking beam axle
Flotation tires provide top-quality performance Flotation tires provide top-quality performance

Four large tandem flotation tires on the RR2313 Rotary Rake provide maximum durability when operating over rough terrain.


Tandem walking beam axles on both RR23 Series Rotary Rakes provide a smooth ride over rough terrain and follow ground contours, allowing for proper crop pickup.

Adjustable swath curtain
Swath curtain controls windrow formation Swath curtain controls windrow formation
Adjustable to accommodate raking needs Adjustable to accommodate raking needs

The Frontier™ RR23 Series Rotary Rake swath curtain controls the windrow formation in varying crops. It can be adjusted in or out to accommodate individual harvesting needs.


When combining multiple windrows with the RR2324, the curtain can either be removed or turned upside down to prevent interfering with the hay.

Hydraulically adjustable swath curtain for rear rotor
Quickly and easily adjust rear swath curtain Quickly and easily adjust rear swath curtain

The hydraulically adjustable swath curtain is standard on the rear rotor of the RR2324 Rotary Rake.


It easily adjusts for proper windrow formation in varying crop conditions.

Two rotors rake one large or two smaller windrows in a single pass
Single windrow Single windrow
Dual windrow Dual windrow

The RR2324 Rotary Rake is more versatile because it has two rotors, allowing it to rake one large windrow or two smaller windrows in a single pass.

Extra flotation tires for RR23 Rotary Rakes

NOTE: Includes two additional flotation tires and two spindles per rotor mounted to the front of each walking beam.

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