Transport position
Operating position
The 388 Twin Rear-Mounted Mower Conditioner is matched with a 131 Front-Mounted Mower-Conditioner to make what is commonly called a Triple-Mounted Mower-Conditioner (TMMC). This combination cuts nearly 8.73 m (28 ft, 8 in.) but can easily be converted to a narrow transport width of 3.1 m (10 ft, 2 in.).
131 Mower-Conditioner transport position
Transport lock for 131 Mower-Conditioner
To prepare for transporting, the side curtains of the 131 Front-Mounted Mower-Conditioner are unlocked and folded into the transport position. This will reduce the overall width during transport. The transport lock lever on the 131 Front-Mounted Mower-Conditioner is engaged so that side-to-side oscillation during transport is eliminated.
388 Mower-Conditioner side curtain lock
Side curtain support shown in transport position
The side curtains are unlocked and pinned to reduce the overall transport height of the TMMC. The side curtain support provides rigidity to the side curtains during cutting and is folded down in transport to reduce the overall height.
Zone 2 active
Zone 1 active
Using the control panel configured to headland turn (switch in yellow circle moved to RH, Zone 2 switch centered), the operator uses the tractor hydraulics to raise the platforms. The mower-conditioner frame should be centered in preparation for transport.
- Move switch to activate Zone 1
- Hold switch up to fold mower-conditioner while activating the tractor selective control valve (SCV)
- When completely folded, spring controlled locks secure the mower-condtioner in the transport position
Rear three-point hitch may be adjusted, as necessary, to assure the overall height of the mower-conditioner does not exceed 4.0 m (13 ft, 1 in.).
A spring-loaded safety lock secures the mower-conditioner in the raised position.
To prepare for field operation, the rope connected to the safety lock on the 388 Twin Rear-Mounted Mower-Conditioner is held while the platforms are partially lowered (rope can be released as soon as mower-conditioner is unlatched), using the control panel and tractor SCV.
The balance of the procedure above is reversed to continue on to field operation.